General Travel Tips

  1. Research your destination: You would think this is a given, but you'd be surprised how many travelers we've met who knew nothing about the destination they were traveling. If that is your preferred method, by all means go for it. In our opinion, we think it's important to at least research the culture, customs, and any potential safety concerns of the countries you'll be visiting. This will help you better understand and respect the local way of life, as well as stay safe during your travels. Make sure to research and respect local customs and traditions, and be mindful of your behavior while traveling. This will help you have a more authentic and rewarding travel experience.
  2. Pack light: On our first ever trip to Asia in 2017, we thought it would be a smart idea to pack a giant suitcase full of stuff. Turns out, it was way too big, way too heavy and a huge inconvenience. We were moving around too often and we were being weighed down by having heavy luggage. Now, we travel with one 40 liter backpack and one personal backpack each. I know for us girls it can be a bit harder when deciding what to pack. We have to have the cute clothes, the make up, the shoes... but trust me, bringing only the key items really helps size down and your back will thank you later. I know for guys this can also be difficult since they are most likely carrying all the camera gear. If you can, we say to pack for 2 weeks and nothing more even if your trip might be longer. The backpacks we use are the Osprey Fair Point 40L with hip straps and I recently got the Baboon to the Moon Travel Bag. Both are great for us.
  3. Stay flexible: The most fun thing about backpacking is the spontaneity of it. You never know who your going to meet and what adventures the day will bring. Leave room for some flexibility and try not to plan every single day out. Of course, if your on a strict timeline, it would make sense to have a schedule. We typically have the bones of a schedule in place for where we'll be staying (with free cancellation just in case) and sights we want to see. We go at our own pace and stay open to more adventures.
  4. Stay Safe: Walker and I have been pretty lucky for the most part when it has come to the safety side of things (knock on wood.) Yes, we had our camera stolen in Lombok. Yes, we were threatened by a man with a rice cutting blade in Nusa Penida. Yes, we got very ill in Vietnam. Yes, we got into a scooter crash in Bali... BUT we know far worse has happened to others. We're very lucky and thankful for the journey we've had so far. With all that said, here are some safety precautions you should take: One, travel insurance. This is a MUST. Tbh, you never know when your going to need it. It was used for some of those past experiences. We use Safety Wing, but World Nomads and Allianz are other options you should look into. It's always best to do your own research and find which is best for you. Second, there are a couple vaccines we would recommend; Typhoid and T/DAP, but again do your own research. It's also important to bring any medications you may need as you might not be able to find them in Asia. Third, keeping an eye on your stuff at all times and keeping important documents safely locked away.
  5. Credit Cards: The use of credit/ debit cards in Asia has become much more customary, especially in Bali. For Americans, we get a lot more perks with our cards than other countries do. Believe it or not, Walker and I hardly ever pay for flights. We use the Chase Sapphire Credit Cards ( Walker has reserve and I have preferred) to pay for most of our travels and in turn get to use those points to pay for flights. There are a lot of perks to these cards, so I suggest doing your own research to find one that best suits your travel needs. The best debit card (in our opinion) for Americans is the Charles Schwab Bank Card. The best part about this debit card is that it reimburses all ATM transaction fees at the end of the month.
  6. SIM Cards: Getting a local SIM card will not only save you money, but is super convenient for getting around and ordering grabs. It's also nice for the rare occasions where Walker and I might get split up and need to find each other.
  7. Hotels: When booking accommodation in Asia, we found the best apps to use are Agoda and Booking. It's best to books these a few months ahead of time (with free cancellation, of course) to get the best value. Another method you can use is to use these apps to find the accommodation, but book directly through the hotel for a better price.
  8. Flights: Ahhh, The most expensive part about traveling. As I said before, we rarely pay out of pocket for flights, but we still want to find the best deal. To do this, we'll look at websites like Google Flights, Kiwi and the phone app Secret Flying. One time we got a $215 ROUND TRIP ticket to Finland from Hawaii through secret flying. We couldn't believe it! The trick with these is to then go directly to the airline and book there to get the best price!
  9. Learn some basic phrases: We believe learning just a few key words like thank you and how much can go a long way with the locals. It shows you have more respect for the people and will make your time more enjoyable as you wont have to play as many guessing games when speaking with them.
  10. Getting Around: Grab and GoJek are your best friends! These apps are easy to use and reliable. Not only can you use them to get around, but you can also use them to have food and groceries delivered to your door. They're like Uber and DoorDash in one app. Taxis are another option, but only if you can find one that will do meter. Another way we like to get around is by Moped. Of course, you have to know how to drive as the streets can be very overwhelming, but it's a good long-term solution.

If we missed anything or if you have any questions about General Traveling Tips in Asia, please let us know and we'll get to them ASAP. Traveling in general is an amazing and fulfilling experience! It's an amazing opportunity to try new things, get out of your comfort zone and immerse yourself into new cultures. Walker and I were completely different people before we started traveling. It opened our eyes and changed us for the better. ♡ We hope you enjoy it as much as we do!