All the Dos and Don'ts You Need to Know Before Coming to Bali

Bali is one of the mot beautiful places in the world, in our opinion. It has everything you need: Amazing food, community, friendly locals, adventure and tons of conveniences. Not to mention, it is still one of the best budget friendly travel destinations. If you plan to come, here are something to keep in mind for your travels!


  1. Get Travel Insurance! This is the number one most important thing to get if you plan to travel to Bali. This can be helpful for so many reasons and in the long run will save you money should something happen... Which in Bali, it sometimes does. It's great for theft or loss of items and luggage, if you get sick or injured and will cover any unexpected events. We personally use Safety Wing, but there are tons to choose from. Find one that fits your needs.
  2. Get your phone unlocked and get a local SIM. Roaming charges for using your SIM can cost a lot, so this will help save you money and you can start sending texts and making calls right away. It's also amazing for using google maps to get directions.
  3. Tip after getting any service. This includes massages, nails, Grabs & GoJeks, food delivery etc. You don't have to give much, but every little bit counts and the locals always really appreciate it.
  4. Bring important medications with you, because you might not be able to get them here. Specific skincare, cosmetics, sunscreens, deodorant, tampons and a thin rain jacket are all things you should consider bringing as they can be hard to find or may be more expensive to buy here than buying it at home.
  5. Discover New Foods! Bali is home to a melting pot of delicious foods. It would be a shame to stick with the western foods you're used to. Western food is more expensive and not usually as good as what you would get back home. Nasi Goreng or Mei Goreng, Babi Guling, Gado-Gado and Satay are all dishes you should try! For vegans, know there is food for you here too! Bali is one of the best places to be a vegan!
  6. Keep cash in your wallet at all times. While it has become more popular to use cards in Bali, not everyone takes cards, especially as you go outside of Canggu or want to do activites. For Americans, we recommend using the Charles Schwab bank card to avoid ATM fees.
  7. Wear a helmet if you plan to drive a scooter or if you're taking a grab scooter. I don't have to tell you why, we all know why.
  8. Be respectful of the Balinese people and their culture. Balinese people are some of the kindest, warm-hearted people we've ever met. Their traditions and customs are what make them so amazing. Remember to cover up when visiting temples, leave your shoes at the door and use your right have to give and receive items.
  9. For the best weather, come between the months of May and September. All months will have some rain, but those months are your best bet for the most sun. Bring a rain jacket just in case!
  10. Be nice to the strays. Bali Dogs and Cats are not usually aggressive and are so loving and friendly. Many of them have been abandoned or mistreated and rely on the kindness of tourists and locals to feed them. Of course, be cautious and use your best judgement if they approach you.
  11. Bargain! This is fun to do while shopping, but please be respectful and polite about it. Give a fair price as the locals still need to make a living.
  12. Bring reef safe sunscreen. Bali has some amazing sea life and corals, do your best to wear reef safe sunscreen to protect its surrounding oceans. We found Zinc sunscreen to be the best and it won't give a white cast. Also, do not to step on the Corals here! We see it way too often and by doing that you are damaging them. Lets keep our oceans beautiful.
  13. Get vaccinated. Vaccines like tetanus and t/dap are a really good idea!
  14. Saving the best for last! DO go on all the adventures! Bali is home to some of the most unique experiences. Go out and explore! There are thousands of guides, blogs and vlogs out there all recommeding the best things to do in Bali. With so much info at your finger tips you will never be bored!

Do Not

  1. Do Not drink the tap water. Do not even brush your teeth with it or eat fruits/ veg that's been washed with it. You will get sick and it will not be fun. Make sure your eating raw fruits/ veg that have been washed with drinking water. We use hydro flasks in our home and fill those with our water dispenser, but you can also buy water bottles at the store. I also reccomend buying charcoal pills at Guardian, you'll thank me later.
  2. Do Not stay in Canggu the whole time. Bali has so much to offer and it would be a shame to stay in the most over trafficked part of Bali the whole time. What drew people to Canggu in the first place was the fact that it used to be a sleepy little surf town that you could go to relax. It's boomed since then and well, is now overrated in our opinion. Yes, there are great food choices and a nice community of nomads, but this can be found everywhere.
  3. Do Not, I repeat, Do Not do drugs in Bali. The laws are very strict in Indonesia and they take this very seriously. It's not worth spending years in an Indonesian jail, the hefty charges and possible execution.
  4. Do Not over pack. It can be so easy to do, but I promise you'll regret it. The rule of thumb is to pack for no more than 2 weeks for long term (and short) trips. Bringing a 40L backpack is more convenient and easier to carry than a suitcase, especially if you'll be moving around a lot. Airlines LOVE to charge hefty prices for heavy bags and remember that Bali loves stairs so you'll be having to lug it around.
  5. Do Not just show up without researching where you want to stay. The "obvious" choice for many travelers is Canggu, but Ubud, Uluwatu, Sanur, Sidemen and Amed are all places you should consider. Refer back to #2 and pick a few locations that vibe with you.
  6. Don't litter. I know it can be hard to find trash cans around the island, but the best thing to do is to hold onto it until you find one or bring it home with you and throw it away there. No one will pick up after you and it will sit there forever unfortuneately. We always say, leave the place better than you found it.
  7. Don't be upset if someone Honks their horn at you. In America, where we're from, honking is considered quite rude or used only if someone is about to hit you. Here in Bali, it's used to let someone know you are there in case they don't see you and to watch out. There are no street rules in Bali, so a small beep is actually very helpful.
  8. Do not provoke or hang around monkeys! The ones at Monkey Forest and Uluwatu Temple are the worst in our opinion, but they are all over the island. They steal, they attack you in gangs, and they bite. Be cautious as they may carry some disease.
  9. Do not step on offerings that locals leave outside on the street and do not touch, sit or lean on statues or temples. It's considered rude and disrespectful to the locals and their culture.
  10. Do not drive if you're not experienced. Bali, especially Canggu, is not the place to learn how to ride a scooter. Coming prepared with an international drivers license would really help limit the amount of crashes we get here and could help you not get a ticket from the police. Usually you're fine, but some police do target foreigners.
  11. Don't come for a short time, come for a long time! Bali has so much to see, do and eat. 7-10 days gives you barely enough time to scratch the surface of what this island has to offer.

If you think we missed something please let us know. We hope these tips help you on your travel journey and we are so excited for you to experience this wonderful place for yourself!